Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Welcome to AP Avenue!

This site offers TEKS-aligned resources that help middle and high school students today master the math concepts underlying Advanced Placement (AP) preparation for both Calculus and Statistics.

All project-based AP materials seen here were written by the author (inalco). Thematic projects aim to:
1. give voice to student interests,
2. expose them to pre-AP topics,
3. help them make math meaning, and
4. build a sense of relevance and "ownership."

Projects align both horizontally and vertically with CLEAR and with our adopted pre-AP curriculum, Laying the Foundation.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

AP Statistics--Model Number Patterns & Trends that Answer "So Whats?" for their World


(Double click to enlarge)

1. Students select a theme of interest (themes are first generated by the students themselves).
2. Students then are given a TEKS-aligned, AP-aligned Powerpoint with activity/lesson packet that models all aspects of this Stats category--both vertically and horizontally.
3. Students then "tweak" these models to customize both the math content and theme where relevant.
4. Students then prepare to teach what they've learned and are audio and videotaped (with all signed consents) by teachers and/or technologists.
5. Tape of "Professor Student" is loaded to this Blog site--so that students find their voice, find an audience, master AP concepts, and allow other students to do the same.
6. Other students, parents and teachers can comment about teaching and themes through the site. This in turn builds both further themes and strategies for learning AP stats meaningfully.
7. See also "Long-lasting" Performance Projects for TEA's GT-Aligned Project-Based Learning.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Sunday, September 17, 2006

AP Statistics Curriculum (Areas of Need to Know)

The AP Stats Curriculum consists of 4 basic themes:

1. Exploring Data: observing patterns and departures from patterns;
2. Planning a Study: deciding what and how to measure;
3. Anticipating Patterns: producing models using probability and simulation; and
4. Statistical Inference: confirming models

Saturday, September 02, 2006

AP Calculus - Creative, Customized, CLEAR-Aligned and College Bound

AP Calculus--Customized to High School Curriculum and Career Interests

(Double click to enlarge)

These projects were written by inalco to support AP Calculus AB Mastery amongst students at an Exemplary Magnet High School.

All projects integrated AP Calculus standards, campus curriculum and principles of differentiation to help students make more meaningful connections to their Calculus curriculum.

The projects helped motivate the students to draw upon their intrinsic professional motivations to be successful in Calculus and thus successfully complete their senior year.